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04/26/2022 - 15:23

Whoop It Up! We invite you to student events

Throughout the spring and summer, we invite you to events prepared and organized by our students. There will be singing, playing and dancing, as well as poetry, an exhibition and even a suburban camp. Put the dates in your diary and join us for cultural events in Pardubice! Support student…
04/20/2022 - 13:53

Webinar: SciFlow (online text editor for researchers and students)

Dear students, dear colleagues, On behalf of Albertina icome Praha, we would like to invite you to a webinar SciFlow: How to simplify writing, citing, and publishing a research article or a Master/PhD thesis with SciFlow templates SciFlow is a digital authoring platform, whic…
Objevte kulturní a vědecké akce pořádané Univerzitou
04/19/2022 - 13:52

Welcome Norbert Bozsik

We were pleased to host prof. Norbert Bozsik from Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő who presented the interesting lectures, e. g. „Some Experiences of EU Membership of the Visegrad Countries“. Norbert Bozsik was welcomed by the management of the faculty, Vice-Dean Jan…
04/11/2022 - 14:56

Meet our international PhD. student: Evelyn Toseafa

Evelyn is a Ghanaian Ph.D. student of System Engineering. We have asked her a few questions to find out what she thinks about studying at our faculty. What was the main reason for deciding to go to study in the Czech Republic? The main reason was to join my husband and enhance my qualifications. Did…
03/30/2022 - 10:26

Open access: the publishing process and the benefits for researchers

Dear colleagues, you are cordially invited to a webinar focused on open access publishing. The webinar has been organised by Wiley publishing house in partnership with Mendel University in Brno and is open to researchers in all institutions in the Czech Republic. Topics covered: …